Why it is important to expose yourself in crypto media (I am Who I say I am)?

Crypto media is a medium on the internet that lets you create universally accessible and individually ownable hypermedia. It is available for all. It is basically an ownership medium for hypermedia.

Here Hypermedia is a non-linear medium of information. It includes graphics, video, audio, plain text, hyperlinks, etc.

Crypto media is all about the unique and provable ownership of information. It includes audio, video, graphics, plain text, or any arbitrary file or data. So it can be thought of as hypermedia but with built-in property rights. It is a canonical instance of a piece of hypermedia. It is an essential part to earn maximum profit in the world of cryptocurrency. This is why some of the best cryptocurrency trading platforms promote it to the fullest.

Now you might be wondering why it is crucial to expose yourself to crypto media?

Well, when it comes to crypto media you don’t know another person. In this case, it is difficult to believe what the other person is telling about. This can even be a scam as it is common in the world of cryptocurrency where people from all around the world are there to earn.

But by exposing yourself you can build trust. It is also one of the basic requirements to establish effective and two-way communication. Most of all, it is one of the best ways to prevent any scam.

This is why apps like CrypTalks believe in I am who I say I am. The thing is when it comes to sharing a common platform, the personal details and security matters a lot, especially when the platform is a social media platform.

The I am who I say I am offers badges for the same. The badge is actually a logo that is the confirmation of identity. The badge is given to those people only who have confirmed their identity. The confirmation is made through personal email, telephone, and a picture of an international ID such as the driver’s license, next to the user’s face (Selfe ID). Not only this, but a user has to hold a paper containing the actual date when the picture was taken.

If this is not enough then the advanced security is there for you, as the user has to write “I am a CrypTalks user” in addition to the date in their own handwriting.

Once the whole process is completed successfully then only the badge is allotted to the user. After all, protection matters the most. The badge is also the key to ask for chat approval. It is a full KYC submission for those who want to sell on the platform.

On the other hand, users who fail to submit their selfie ID or are not interested in submitting it are not allowed to make any communication. This means they can’t post, chat or even react within the app or on the website. They can remain bystanders, until and unless they confirm their selfie IDs.

The exposure isn't limited to this badge only. There are some people who want to present themself clearly and transparently to others. In this case, they can upload their Facebook or LinkedIn page. They can also add a clear profile picture without any sunglasses or so.

The benefit of going with this is, they will be able to put their ideas and interact with others in a trusted and honest way. This will also give others an opportunity to believe what is being told. It is like creating a community where you know who you are talking to and the users know who they are listening to.

This way everyone can become a benefactor. Learning will become fun. It will be like an online class for Bitcoin, but with a more friendly environment where everyone will act as a student as well as the teacher. The only difference will be the roles that remain changing. 


The growing interest of people in cryptocurrencies has created a need to have a platform that provides them an opportunity to share information on cryptocurrency in a more friendly and reliable way. Then it doesn’t matter from which part of the world they are. They can have access to that platform. One such platform is Crypto media that gives you an opportunity to excel in the world of cryptocurrency. This all is done in a more friendly and trusted way, but not without crypto media exposure.

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